Seeking Youth Board Interns
If you are a young person who wants to get experience in governance as well as be actively involved in your community then consider applying to be the representative for young people on the Anamata Board! More info below.
Youth Board Internship Position Description
Purpose: The intention of this position is to provide young people with governance opportunities, which will enable Anamata to implement strategies which are focused appropriately on young people.
The role involves:
- The intention is this role will be co-opted (as outlined in our trust document) for 1 year. This will mean the role does have both speaking and voting rights during this time
- There is an option to extend the co-opted period or become a full trustee if mutually agreed at the end of the 12 months
- Mentoring young people into governance and strategic management
- Provide leadership opportunities for young people
- Ensure young people are able to fully participate and have their voices heard and responded to
- Enable young people to influence Anamata’s strategic direction
- Ensure Anamata’s strategic direction is meeting the needs of young people in the Taupō/Turangi District
Time Commitment
- Anamata board meets once per month, typically on the third Wednesday of each month from 6-7.30pm from February to December.
- Board papers are sent out 1 week prior and you will have the opportunity to meet with either Annabel or Blair (or delegated board member) to go through the board papers
If you’d like to apply just send your details and expression of interest via email to lauraw@anamata.org.nz